The Vertiflex family is growing!

Synetik proudly presents its new product SKY! The SKY Multi-Position Standing Station was honored for its innovation at the 2022 CSMC Show in Toronto and is already popular in Ontario. Therapists welcomed it when it was launched in Quebec this summer.

The SKY multi-position standing station stands out for its innovative and sleek design.

  • Thanks to its clever footrest, the user can bring their wheelchair closer to the station, thus facilitating their transfer to the station.
  • The hip stop strap has undergone a complete overhaul, incorporating a new system developed by Synetik, which is both simple and effective. With this system, you simply slide the strap along grooves, providing increased accessibility and speed of adjustment.
  • The knee adjustment is comprehensive and versatile, correcting problems such as valgus, varus and knee flexum. The knee stops can be adjusted independently in all planes.
  •  The thoracic stop is malleable and retains memory. It wraps the user in a circular manner and offers superior comfort in complete safety.
  •  The aluminum table offers exceptional stability and optimal comfort. It can be adjusted in height, depth and can tilt slightly, as needed.

The SKY Multi-Position Standing Station is designed to have a minimal footprint in its surroundings. For example, the size 1 version can be easily transported in the trunk of a car thanks to its lightness and compact format. This station is also available in three sizes (1, 2, and 3) to accommodate people whose height from armpit to ground measures between 20 and 48 inches.

We are particularly proud that the SKY is appreciated for its superb turquoise color. Over the years, we have worked to rethink the design of the stander to make it modern and attractive. We believe that the SKY fully meets these criteria