Human beings are designed to stand. When the development go without any complication, children start pulling themselves to a standing position from as early as nine months old. The ultimate goal is being able to move from one place to another, and achieve all the day-to-day
play, self-care and school or work activities.
However, when children have severe physical disabilities (for example, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, developmental delay, osteogenesis imperfecta or acquired injuries) which prevent them from weight bearing independently, their developmental progression may not take place. Independent standing or walking may not be achievable for some children. At this point, this is exactly why developing or maintaining an upright posture using specially designed standing frames becomes highly important.
The benefits of standing:
Each physiological benefit of standing is closely related one to another, and in turn these benefits provide a wide range of psychological benefits. Those benefits can combine to improve an individual’s ability to carry out everyday activities. Many studies also prove that standing held improved the head strength, trunk and upper extremity control; improved functional reach; ability to perform fine motor tasks, hence improving enjoyment and social interaction; improved ability to work as independently as possible; increased play, physical education opportunities, even dancing; and improved ability to participate in transfers and independent dressing, resulting in self-empowerment.
Complications after stroke have been shown to impede rehabilitation, lead to poor functional outcome, and increase cost of care. This study examines the prevalence of complications related to immobility during the first year after a stroke according to functional independence and place
of residence.
Patients who are more independent in self-care are less at risk of complications than those who are dependent.